What To Do If You Have a Plumbing Emergency


Your home relies on the intricate plumbing system within to keep your family safe and comfortable. From the moment you wake up to the time you go to bed, your plumbing system keeps your home running smoothly – from the kitchen to the bathroom, from the laundry room to the basement. But your home’s plumbing system is not without its share of problems. A plumbing emergency can strike fast and you may even be unaware at first!

From minor issues like slow-flowing faucets to major leaks, your plumbing system can be overwhelmed with issues. And when that happens, you are in real trouble. Not only do you have to deal with the inconvenience of a flooded basement or overflowing toilet, but you also have to deal with the added expense of replacing damaged property. All of these issues, however, are preventable, especially if you know the warning signs of a failing plumbing system.

To assist you in your endless endeavor to keep your home in tip-top shape, we have compiled a list of 5 emergency plumbing tips every homeowner should know.


If you’re like most people, one of your top concerns is making sure that your home will be secure and safe for you and your family. But, what about when something goes wrong? What if there’s a plumbing emergency at 3 AM on a Sunday morning? How will you react to that situation? It’s all too easy to just hope that everything will work out for you, but it’s also good to know what you can do in an emergency situation. This post will go over some of those things and help ensure that no matter how bad things get, your house will stay in tip-top shape!


If you suspect there is a plumbing problem, one of your first steps should be to shut off your home’s water supply. Whether you’re dealing with a slow-flowing toilet or major burst pipes, leaving your water on will only lead to further damage. The easiest way to shut off your home’s water supply is by closing all valves at the street level outside of your home. It may seem like overkill but trust us – it will save you time and money in cleaning up that mess! After shutting off your homes’ water supply, immediately call a plumber so they can start addressing whatever issues are at hand.


In almost every bathroom in America, you can find a plunger. And for a good reason – it is an essential tool that every homeowner should have at their disposal. When dealing with minor clogs and other issues like slow-flowing faucets, a plunger is your best friend. Though if you’re dealing with major issues like busted pipes or busted toilets, plunging alone will not be enough. Instead, turn off your home’s water supply and call a plumber to address further issues before they become catastrophic.


If you have a plumbing problem that involves a burst pipe in your home, make sure you get it fixed as soon as possible. You risk causing more damage if you try to delay the process. For example, if a pipe bursts in your kitchen, all of your appliances, including the refrigerator, dishwasher, and stove, can be damaged by the overflowing water, resulting in hundreds, if not thousands, on repairs. In addition, excessive moisture will breed bacteria and mold, which can quickly make your home unhealthy and even downright dangerous. So, if you are faced with a burst pipe, act quickly and call in the professionals to do the work!


While you should definitely do what you can to fix your own home, there are some issues that require professional help. For example, if you think you know how to unclog a drain or repair broken pipes, it might be tempting to just do it yourself rather than pay someone else for their services. The problem with doing so is that you could actually cause more damage than good. The experience and knowledge of plumbers often extend far beyond what an amateur homeowner will have access to. Further, they know and adhere to building codes that non-professionals likely won’t take into account. So, unless you’re 100% sure about what needs to be done, call in experts!


If you find that your toilets or sinks are getting clogged, try opening up a spigot elsewhere in your home. If running water elsewhere doesn’t fix it, you’ll know where to focus your attention. For example, if one of your showers isn’t draining properly, it’s likely that you have a clog somewhere in that line or at its origin point. Try opening up another shower to get water flowing throughout the plumbing system again. It should help get everything flowing normally without needing extensive repairs!

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Click here, if you’d like to learn more about water heaters.

If you’d like to learn more about Workhouse Plumbing, click here.