What Is A Sump Pump – Everything You Need To Know!


Have you ever heard of a sump pump yet wondered, “What is a sump pump?” If so, don’t worry — you’re not alone! A sump pump is an essential home addition for any water-susceptible area in your house or business. It can help prevent flooding and property destruction by pumping out groundwater. Whether you live in an area prone to flooding or want extra protection when there’s heavy rainfall and snow melting, understanding how a sump pump works and its benefits go a long way in keeping the interior of your residence safe and dry! In this blog post, we’ll explain what a sump pump is, why it’s essential to have one installed, as well as other key information, such as installation methods and cost factors. Read on to learn more about this trusty device that helps keep our homes safe from disaster!

What Does a Sump Pump Do?

A sump pump is essential in basement maintenance, as it helps dry the floor by removing groundwater and preventing flooding. It’s usually installed in a sump pit that collects groundwater, and the device works by pumping out the collected water so it can’t damage the basement or any other home areas. Although sump pumps come in various sizes and models, most are designed with a float switch that activates when the water levels inside the pit reach a certain point. This signals the pump to turn on and begin to remove liquid from the area until it reaches its safe level again. In addition to providing essential protection from flooding, these capable devices can make life much easier for those who need an efficient means of keeping their basements safe and dry.

Benefits of a Sump Pump

Now that you know the answer to, “What is a sump pump?” You must know the various benefits that come with having a sump pump. 

Fewer Flooded Basements

One of the primary benefits of a sump pump is that it can help to reduce the risk of flooding in your basement. A sump pump is a device installed in the lowest point of your basement and used to pump water out of the basement and away from your home. This can help to prevent water from seeping into your basement and causing damage.

Reduced Mold and Mildew

Another benefit of a sump pump is that it can help reduce mold and mildew growth. Mold and mildew thrive in damp, dark environments, so by keeping your basement dry, you can help to prevent their growth. This can not only improve the air quality in your home but also help protect your belongings from damage.

Lower Energy Bills

A sump pump can also help lower your energy bills by reducing the moisture in your home. Moisture can cause various problems, such as condensation on windows and walls, leading to higher energy bills. By reducing the amount of moisture in your home, you can help to keep your energy bills down.

Improved Air Quality

Another benefit of a sump pump is that it can improve the air quality in your home. Excess moisture in the air can lead to musty odors and an increase in dust mites and other allergens. By reducing the amount of moisture in the air, you can help to improve the air quality in your home and create a healthier environment for you and your family.

Longer Lasting Home

Finally, a sump pump can help extend your home’s life by preventing water damage. Water damage is one of the leading causes of structural damage to homes, so keeping your basement dry can help prevent this type of damage from occurring. This can not only save you money on repairs, but it can also help to extend the life of your home.

Types of Sump Pumps

Next, you need to know the different types of sump pumps. When it comes to protecting your basement from flooding, having a sump pump installed is essential. Sump pumps come in a variety of types, each with its own unique benefits and drawbacks. Submersible sump pumps are the most common type and work by sitting in a reservoir that collects water and pumps it out of the house once the water level reaches a certain height. Pedestal sump pumps are typically more energy-efficient than submersible models but are not as durable. Battery-powered models use an emergency backup battery to ensure operation when power is lost due to storms or other issues. The last type is sewage ejector pumps, which removes wastewater from sinks or toilets that empty into basements or low areas in homes. No matter which kind you choose, investing in quality installation and regular maintenance can help keep your home safe from flooding.

Sump Pump Maintenance

Properly maintaining your sump pump can save you a lot of time and money down the road. It’s not enough to only know what is a sump pump; you must also understand that some maintenance is necessary. Inspecting your sump pump to ensure it is functioning correctly and that it can reliably move water out of your basement or crawlspace is essential. Doing this once every six months is a good rule of thumb while checking more frequently during rainy seasons if necessary. Tasks that should be included in this inspection are ensuring the float switch can move up and down freely, flushing out any dirt clogs, and examining the condition of the discharge pipe. If these checks reveal any concerning issues, one should contact a plumber for further assistance with maintenance or repairs. Taking the time for regular sump pump inspections is essential for keeping your space dry and saving money on costly plumbing bills.

Want More Information?

If you think your home may need a sump pump or still have the question, “What is a sump pump?” look no further than Workhouse Plumbing. Their team of experts can provide essential advice and guidance about choosing the right sump pump for your home or business. From learning about which materials and models work best with your installation needs, Workhouse Plumbing has you covered. In addition to the knowledgeable staff available to answer any questions you have, they pride themselves on offering quality customer service. Contact us today to get all the information you need!