What do You Need to Know Before Buying a Water Softener?


A water softener is a household appliance that is used to remove calcium and magnesium from hard water. These minerals can cause scale build-up on pipes and appliances, and can also make it difficult to lather soap. Water softeners work by exchanging hard water minerals for sodium or potassium.

What are the benefits of a water softener?

Some of the top benefits of using a water softener in your home are as follows:

1. Reduced scale build-up – Scale build-up can cause appliances to work harder, resulting in higher energy costs. It can also shorten the lifespan of appliances.

2. Softer hair and skin – Hard water minerals can make your hair and skin feel dry and itchy. A water softener can help to resolve this issue.

3. Extended appliance life – Scale build-up can damage appliances, but a water softener can help to prevent this from happening.

4. Improved coffee and tea taste – Hard water minerals can dull the flavor of coffee and tea. A water softener can help to improve the taste of these drinks.

5. Reduced soap usage – A water softener can help you to use less soap, as it will be more effective in lathering with hard water.

6. Reduced laundry costs – A water softener can help you to save money on laundry costs, as soap will be more effective in soft water and less fabric softener will be needed.

7. Reduced plumbing problems – Hard water minerals can clog pipes and cause other plumbing problems. A water softener can help to prevent these issues.

8. Improved water quality – A water softener can help to improve the quality of your tap water by removing hard water minerals.

When choosing a water softener, you should consider the following factors:

1. Size – The size of the water softener will depend on the size of your household. You should choose a model that is sized appropriately for your needs. If you are doubtful about which size to choose, consult with a water softener dealer.

2. Price – Water softeners vary in price, so you should shop around to find the best deal. Be sure to consider the features of each model before making your purchase.

3. Brand – Not all water softener brands are created equal. You should do your research to find a reputable brand that has a good reputation for quality and customer service.

4. Type of salt required – Not all water softeners use the same type of salt. Some models require table salt, while others require rock salt or solar salt. Make sure you know what type of salt is required for the specific water softener you are considering purchasing.

5. Maintenance requirements – All water softeners require periodic maintenance, such as filter changes or salt refills. Be sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to ensure that you are aware of the maintenance requirements for the specific model you are considering.

6. Warranty – Most water softener manufacturers offer a warranty on their products. This can be helpful in the event that your water softener requires repairs.

7. Installation – Many water softeners require professional installation. If you are not comfortable installing the unit yourself, be sure to factor in the cost of hiring a professional installer.

8. Capacity – The capacity of a water softener is measured in grains per day (GPD). You should choose a model that has a capacity that is appropriate for your needs. If you are unsure about which size to choose, consult with a water softener dealer.

Hopefully, this information will help you to make an informed decision when purchasing a water softener for your home. Be sure to consider all of the factors listed above before making your purchase. For more information, consult with a top plumbing contractor like Workhouse Plumbing. We can help you to find the best water softener for your needs and install it for you. Call us at 571-556-4036 for more information.