Thawing Frozen Pipes


Pipes get frozen mostly as a result of temperature drop. For pipes in exposed areas, the chances of getting frozen are very high; however, thawing frozen pipes is an important step to be taken a soon as possible to avoid further damage of the pipes and aggressive expansion due to water frozen. How do you do that? Here are some easy tips on ways to thaw a frozen pipe. More facts can be seen here.


The first step to take in the thawing process is to locate the frozen pipe. To get this, check pipes in cold places or non-insulated pipes. Furthermore, you may notice some frost or blockage in the pipes. When you happen to see any of these signs, then the pipe may be frozen. Learn more about Places with Common Plumbing Problems in the Home.


The next step is to open the faucet that water passes to. This will help the pipe reduce pressure and simplify the thawing process for you.

Begin the thawing frozen pipes process from the opened faucet down to the frozen area. This will help the water gradually release all the rigid elements in the pipe. You should be very careful when doing this because it may break the pipe and lead to greater damage to the material if done forcefully. Moreover, if you start the thawing process at the frozen point, the ice could get stuck at a particular issue and lead to more pressure on the pipe.