Preventative Plumbing Maintenance Tips That Save Money


As a homeowner, you know there are many things to keep up with when it comes to maintaining your home. While it’s easy to focus on visible features like your kitchen or living room, it’s important not to overlook your plumbing. Plumbing problems can be some of the most expensive and stressful issues that homeowners face. The good news is that regular maintenance can prevent many of these problems and save you a lot of money and stress in the long run.

Why You Must Invest In Preventative Plumbing

Preventative plumbing is an essential investment for homeowners and businesses alike. While plumbing issues can seem like minor inconveniences, they can quickly turn into costly disasters. Leaky pipes or clogged drains can lead to water damage, mold growth, and even structural damage over time if left unchecked. By investing in preventative plumbing measures, such as routine inspections and maintenance, you can avoid these costly and time-consuming repairs while also extending the lifespan of your plumbing system. Additionally, preventative plumbing can help identify potential issues before they become major problems. It’s estimated that regular plumbing inspections can detect up to 90% of potential issues before they cause any significant damage. By investing in preventative plumbing, you can save money in the long-run, protect your property, and ensure your plumbing system operates as efficiently as possible.

Preventative Plumbing Maintenance Tips

Regular upkeep of your plumbing system can not only save you thousands of dollars in costly repairs but can also prevent minor issues from escalating into major problems. Here are some of our top preventative plumbing maintenance tips.

Regular Inspection

Plumbing inspection

One of the most important things you can do to keep your plumbing in good working order is to inspect it regularly. Regular inspections can help you identify problems before they turn into costly repairs. Check your pipes, fixtures, and appliances for signs of leaks, corrosion, or damage, and address any issues as soon as possible. A small untreated leak can become a major problem, leading to water damage and mold growth. Additionally, inspecting your water heater and other appliances can help you identify potential issues before they become costly repairs.

Apart from the above, you can also consider keeping a maintenance log to document your plumbing inspections and their findings. This log will help you track issues, identify recurring problems and plan for maintenance tasks.

Water Pressure

water pressure in shower

Water pressure that is too high can cause damage to your pipes and fixtures over time. To avoid this, make sure to check your water pressure regularly and adjust it if necessary. A pressure gauge can be purchased inexpensively at most hardware stores, and adjusting the pressure can be done with a simple valve adjustment. By keeping your water pressure at a safe level, you can extend the life of your plumbing and avoid costly repairs.

Drain Maintenance

drain maintenance

Clogged drains are a common plumbing issue that regular maintenance can easily prevent. Avoid pouring grease, oil, or food scraps down your kitchen sink, and use a hair catcher in your shower to prevent hair from going down the drain. Additionally, flushing only human waste and toilet paper down your toilet can help prevent clogs in your sewer line. If you do experience a slow drain, try using a plunger or a drain snake to clear the clog before it becomes a major problem.

Water Heater Maintenance

water heater changing temperature

Your water heater is an important part of your plumbing system, requiring regular maintenance to function properly. One of the most important things you can do to maintain your water heater is to flush it regularly. Over time, sediment can build up in your water heater, which can cause it to work less efficiently and shorten its lifespan. Flushing your water heater removes this sediment and helps it work better and last longer.

Apart from flushing your water heater, you can also consider adding an expansion tank to your water heater. An expansion tank will help your water heater handle changes in water pressure and reduce the risk of leaks.

Pipe Insulation

exposed pipes

Insulating your pipes is an excellent way to prevent costly plumbing issues. Insulation can help prevent your pipes from freezing during the winter, which can cause them to burst and lead to water damage in your home. Additionally, insulation can help prevent condensation on your pipes during the summer, leading to mold growth and other problems. Pipe insulation is easy to install and can be purchased at most hardware or home improvement stores.

Plumbing Fixtures

plumbing fixture

Replacing old or worn-out plumbing fixtures can help prevent costly repairs and improve the efficiency of your plumbing system. Look for fixtures that are labeled as “low-flow” or “water-efficient” to help reduce your water usage and lower your water bills. Additionally, replacing old faucets and showerheads can help improve water pressure and prevent leaks.

Sewer Line Maintenance


The sewer line is a critical component of your plumbing system, and keeping it in good working order is important. One of the best ways to prevent sewer line problems is to avoid flushing anything other than human waste and toilet paper down the toilet. Additionally, avoid pouring grease, oil, or food scraps down the drain, as this can cause clogs in your sewer line. If you suspect a problem with your sewer line, such as slow draining or foul odors, addressing it as soon as possible to avoid costly repairs is important.

Preventative Plumbing With Workhouse

Preventative plumbing maintenance may seem like a hassle, but it can save you a lot of money and stress in the long run. By regularly inspecting your plumbing, monitoring your water pressure, maintaining your drains and water heater, insulating your pipes, updating your plumbing fixtures, and caring for your sewer line, you can avoid costly repairs and keep your plumbing in good working order. Remember, a little effort now can go a long way in preventing major plumbing issues down the road. Take the time to follow these tips, and you’ll be rewarded with a healthier, happier home. If you need help with any of this, don’t hesitate to contact Workhouse Plumbing. We have the experience needed to perform plumbing maintenance to prevent future plumbing disasters.