Do I Really Need To Worry About Hidden Leaks In My Pipes?


No matter how well you take care of your home, at some point or another, you’re going to notice an unwelcome leak. From slow-flowing faucets to overflowing toilets, leaks happen all too often. And while most minor leaks can be fixed yourself with just a little bit of elbow grease and know-how, larger and more complex leaks may require professional assistance.

However, even before you call out a plumber or general contractor for assistance on more serious problems, there are steps you can take that will prevent worse problems from happening down the road. This is especially true if your problem involves hidden leaks—water that’s slowly moving through cracks in your foundation or seeping through areas where water doesn’t seem to belong.

To assist you in making an informed decision about what action to take when faced with leaks and small floods in your home, we have created a comprehensive guide detailing exactly what hidden leaks are and why they occur. So, without any further ado, let’s get started!


It’s surprising how many homeowners aren’t aware of hidden leaks until they receive a shocking water bill. It can be a hassle—and a huge expense— to learn that your home has hidden leaks in plumbing pipes, especially if those pipes are old and difficult to access. But that’s the harsh reality you face when you don’t know about these sneaky problems lurking behind your walls. From improper drain connections to faulty faucets and mineral buildup to acidic water, there are countless things that could have gone wrong with your pipes without you even knowing it – all resulting in leaks that you don’t see or feel at first. So, before an unseen leak wreaks havoc on your finances or comfort level, check out these most common culprits that lead to major headaches.


Enlisted are a few common signs that could indicate your home may have a hidden leak:


One telltale sign of a hidden leak is a strange noise that you can’t seem to trace. It might be a drip or gurgle that comes and goes or even an odd whistling sound – but if you can’t seem to pinpoint its origin, take steps toward identifying what’s causing it.


If you notice that your water bill seems to be higher than usual, there may be a hidden leak somewhere in your home that’s silently using up more and more of your water each month.


If you notice your wall or ceiling is beginning to sag, it’s likely due to a hidden leak behind your walls. Pressure from water can cause plaster and paint to crack over time, leading to sagging ceilings and other unsightly signs of unseen leaks that need immediate attention. Fixing these leaks can not only prevent damage to your home – but also reduce future water bills.


Yes, and no! Hidden leaks though not common, are still something you should be aware of. The biggest cause for concern is that many homeowners don’t know they have them until it’s too late. Your water bill can increase dramatically, or your plaster could crack before you even realize there’s a problem with your pipes. Fortunately, hidden leaks are often easy to find if you keep an eye out for these signs – so take a look around your home today and see if any of the discussed signs match. If so, contact a professional plumber as soon as possible – especially if you notice sagging walls or ceilings – so they can fix any problems before it becomes serious damage.

If you’d like to learn more about How Can I Check If I Have a Leak?

Click here, if you’d like to learn more about general plumbing.

If you’d like to learn more about Workhouse Plumbing, click here.