Cleaning a Dirty Drain and Keeping It Clean


A clogged or dirty drain can be a real nuisance, and unfortunately, they often seem to happen at the most inconvenient times. From foul odors from drains in your shower to water backing up in your sink, it’s important to know how to unclog and clean these pesky fixtures before further damage occurs. In this detailed blog post, we’ll take an in-depth look into the process of cleaning a dirty drain and how to keep your drains clean. So buckle up as we dive into this stinky but essential topic!

Why Cleaning a Dirty Drain is Important

Cleaning a dirty drain is essential to healthy plumbing, as leaving it to accumulate dirt and grime reduces overall drainage efficiency and can cause more serious problems further down the line. It’s costly and time-consuming to deal with clogged drains and repairs, so taking the time to maintain them through regular cleanings will save you from having to do an emergency drain unclogging service in the future. Moreover, a blocked or smelly drain can take away from any level of luxury or comfort associated with your home/space. Drains that are kept clean will protect all occupants from potential illnesses and create a pleasant atmosphere in which people can enjoy themselves without worrying about what’s lurking underneath the surface.

How To Clean a Dirty Drain

cleaning a dirty drain

Start With a Plunger

If you have a plunger, start by using that to try and dislodge the clog. Simply place the plunger over the drain and push and pull it up and down vigorously. This is one of the easiest ways to begin cleaning a dirty drain If this doesn’t work, move on to the next step.

Try a Drain Snake

If you don’t have a plunger, or if the plunger didn’t work, try using a drain snake. You can purchase a drain snake at most hardware stores. To use the drain snake, insert it into the drain and turn it clockwise. As you turn it, the snake will help break up the clog and clean a dirty drain.

Make a Baking Soda and Vinegar Solution

If you don’t have a plunger or a drain snake, you can try making a baking soda and vinegar solution to begin cleaning a dirty drain. Simply mix 1/2 cup of baking soda with 1/2 cup of vinegar. Pour this mixture into the drain and let it sit for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, flush the drain with hot water to see if the clog has been removed.

Use Boiling Water

Boiling water can also help to remove a clog from your drain. Simply boil a pot of water and pour it slowly down the drain. Be careful not to pour too much at once, which could cause the pipe to burst.

Call a Plumber

If none of these methods work, or if you are dealing with a particularly stubborn clog, you may need to call a plumber for assistance.

Tips To Keep Your Drains Clean

cleaning a dirty drain

Now that you know how to begin cleaning a dirty drain, it’s important to know how to keep your drains clean. A little upkeep goes a long way when it comes to plumbing. Keeping a drain clean is key to avoiding costly and time-consuming plumbing repairs or replacements. A regular maintenance regimen will help ensure that the drain line keeps running smoothly and without odors or clogs.

Use a Drain Cover

A drain cover is one of the best ways to keep your drains clean. A drain cover will catch any hair, food, or other debris that goes down the drain, which will help to prevent clogs from forming. Drain covers are relatively inexpensive and can be found at most hardware stores.

Clean Your Drains Regularly

Even with a drain cover in place, cleaning your drains regularly is important. This can be done by pouring boiling water down the drain once a week or using a plunger to remove any build-up that has occurred. If you notice that your drains are starting to smell bad, you can also use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to clean them.

Avoid Putting Certain Things Down the Drain

Some things should never go down your drains, as they can cause serious problems. These items include grease, coffee grounds, eggshells, and fruit peels. When these items go down the drain, they can adhere to the sides of the pipe and cause clogs to form.

Don’t Pour Chemicals Down the Drain

Another thing that you should avoid putting down your drains is chemicals, as they can be very damaging to the pipes. Chemicals such as bleach and drain cleaners should only be used as a last resort when all other methods have failed. If you need to use a chemical cleaner, follow the instructions carefully and flush the pipes with plenty of water afterward.

Call a Professional If You Have a Serious Issue

If you have a serious clog that you cannot remove alone, it’s best to call a professional plumber for help. Plumbers have special tools that they can use to remove stubborn clogs and will also be able to identify any underlying issues that may be causing the problem.

Workhouse Plumbing Can Clear Stubborn Drains

Workhouse Plumbing is a reliable and affordable choice when you need help with your plumbing. With years of experience in the business, they know exactly how to take care of your drains and keep them running smoothly. They understand the distress clogged drains can cause homeowners and have devoted their time and resources to clearing stubbornly blocked pipes. Plus, if you’re looking for maintenance services or installations, they’re your go-to place too! So instead of stressing out about a slow sink or bathtub drain in your home, contact Workhouse Plumbing so that they can provide the best plumbing solutions available to you. With their knowledge of the trade and quality workmanship, they are certain to make life much easier. Get in touch now and see what Workhouse Plumbing can do for you!